Friday, December 23, 2005

Rector of South Riding Church (Fairfax, Va.) Responds to Bishop Lee{6F5F62A6-557A-42CB-BAEC-A56CD426350D}&notoc=1

[American Anglican Council] December 20, 2005--If your intent is to remove me as a Minister of the Episcopal Church, the use of Canon III.13 is overbroad. I have only changed my "address" from ECUSA to the Church of Uganda. As I mentioned to you and the Standing Committee, an appropriate exercise of Canon Law would be to refuse to license me to function in any ECUSA church, as you might refuse any priest from another province of the Communion.

On the other hand, if your intent under Canon III.13 is to render a judgment that I have renounced Holy Orders and the Priesthood in Christ's One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, my answer is simple. A resignation is not a renunciation. And by no stretch of the imagination can it be made so without my voluntary renunciation of ordained ministry according to the language of Canon III.13.

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