Thursday, March 15, 2007

What was the Primates’ Meeting about?

[Anglican Mainstream] 15 Mar 2007--Here there is a definite agenda to promote the acceptability of active homosexuals as ordained priests and bishops, and of same-sex blessings. That is a given. For its advocates it is a righteous crusade on a par with the crusade to end slavery. They will not step back.

The advocates hold that their view is self-evidently right and that you have to be odd in some way not to go along with it. All they want at this stage is that you go along with it, not necessarily agree with it. Since you have to be odd not to agree with it, there must be some explanation for disagreeing. Bishop Mwanda from Botswana told the Ecclesiastical Law Society that Nigeria and Uganda are opposed because homosexuality is illegal in their countries – they are just going along with the culture and the state. Or some say they are responding to large amounts of money from Americans. Whatever any particular African church leader may say, the reality in the continent is very clear: dioceses in Africa are not going to elect an openly gay bishop. African bishops will not ordain an openly practicing gay minister. Ministers will not be authorised to bless those in same-sex relationships as being in a holy relationship to be blessed by God. Dioceses will not challenge the authority of the teaching of the word of God.

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