Monday, May 14, 2007

Evangelism for the Rest of Us: Sharing Christ with Your Personality Style

[Armchair Interviews] 15 May 2007--Bechtle could have called this book Evangelism for Introverts, but he didn't. He points out that almost every book on evangelism he has ever read was heavily, if not exclusively, oriented towards methods, techniques, and practices that work well for people with outgoing personalities.

He spends the first third of the book helping the reader understand the differences between introverts and extroverts--emphasizing that they are simply different. There is no "best" personality style. He also points out the many false ideas that exist about witnessing--such as "it doesn't count as witnessing if the person doesn't pray to receive Christ." He then explores the reasons people don't share their faith, and most of it is wrapped up in the fear factor. So he explores the fears and offers a fresh perspective on either how to view them in a new light--or how to deal with them....

Related book reviews:
Book Review: Evangelism For The Rest of Us, by Mike Bechtle -What's Up Blog
Evangelism for the Rest of Us -

Mike Bechtle's web site:

Recommended reading by the Church Planting Village and the North American Mission Board's Church Planting Group.

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