Thursday, August 23, 2007

‘The Gay Invention: Homosexuality Is a Linguistic as Well as Moral Error’

[Anglican Mainstream] 23 Aug 2007--In this brilliant article from ‘Touchstone’ Professor Young exposes the myths which legitimize, buttress and perpetuate gay rights. Though the Emperor (Empress?) wears no clothes, few dare admit it. But unless we begin to say so - now, in our circles, churches, denominations and in the wider public square - it will be too late. It will be illegal to question the PC status quo; in places it already is. Take a look at Canada and Sweden, cultural trendsetters, and specific areas in the States and the UK. Again, for the Doubting Thomases among my readers, there is no problem as long as one keeps one’s head below the parapet. A problem only presents itself as one exits from the safety of one’s private religious (or whatever) sphere into the Big Bad World. There, the political-cultural shift is such that even to mention ‘alternative’ nonPC points of view is unacceptable and will gain you nothing but could cost you much - perhaps everything. And perhaps many would feel it is not worth it, I don’t know. What cannot be doubted, however, is that the gagging, censorship and fear of the Thought Police is having a real impact - laws and regulations do effect significant social change. Do we care?

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