Friday, October 17, 2008

Continuing What? Spiritual Roots of the Continuing Church Movement (Part II)

[Virtue Online] 17 Oct 2008--The spiritual roots and justification of the Continuing Church movement are solely those of the Anglican Communion itself - the biblical faith stated with clarity, reverence and boldness in the classic editions of the Book of Common Prayer, the Ordinal, and the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion.

This faith was preached, elucidated and defended by Cranmer, Hooker, and Andrewes, among others of their day, voices that still tower far above all others in defining what "traditional Anglicanism" truly is.

The Continuing Church, just as the wider Communion, has no reason to exist unless - and until - it returns to its true calling and its first love: the faith once delivered unto the saints, as that faith is known to us through the witness of the Fathers and Martyrs of the English Reformation.

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