Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Western Louisiana Condemns Bishop Depositions


[The Living Church] 14 Oct 2008--The annual convention of the Diocese of Western Louisiana met Oct. 10-11 at a hotel in Alexandria with the theme “Holy Partners in a Heavenly Calling.”

The convention adopted a resolution agreeing in principle to the covenant by a vote of 106-16 in the lay order and 36-13 in the clergy order.

In his convention address, Bishop Bruce MacPherson of Western Louisiana recounted the violations of the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church in the depositions of three bishops. He further noted that the continuation of the House of Bishops’ Property Task Force without authorization of Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is an example of the church being “out of control.” The convention passed a resolution rejecting the depositions of Bishops John-David Schofield, William Cox, and Robert Duncan as uncanonical.

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