Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nigerian Primate Says Anglican Communion Differences are “Irreconcilable”

[VirtueOnline] 11 Feb 2009--The Anglican Archbishop of Nigeria, Peter Akinola has written an open letter to Archbishop Rowan Williams saying that liberal Primates of the Anglican Communion “trivialized” the historic faith in Alexandria and their actions show they have no intention of backing down from their revisionist behavior and that mediation will not work.

"In our meeting we recommended that you initiate a "professionally mediated conversation which engages all parties at the earliest opportunity." It now seems increasingly clear that without a radical change of behavior on the part of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada the only possible outcome of such a process is acknowledgement of a bitter truth that the differences in the words of (Scottish Primus) Archbishop Idris Jones are "irreconcilable".

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