Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Time to speak out on demons


[sydneyanglicans.net] 17 Mar 2009--Do you believe in demons? Lots of Christians don’t.
Talk of demons and exorcisms just sets off the ‘weird’ alert. If you wanted to explain the Christian faith today how many people are going to turn to Jesus exorcising demons. When talk of exorcisms do hit the news its usually a scandal - remember the Mercy Ministries front page of the Herald: ‘these girls needed help - instead they got exorcisms!’ So culturally there’s a lot of pressure to hush any talk of demons or evil powers.

There is also a bit of a backlash against weird Christian groups that see demons everywhere. The super spiritual commando warfare theology of Frank Peretti’s This Present Darkness is the classic of this genre.

All of which adds up to silence from the Sunday pulpit and the Monday water cooler on demons. Turn to the gospels though and you keep seeing Jesus showing his authority over demons. Turn to Ephesians 6 and you get this challenge....

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