Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to Simplify Your Group’s Content

If your life is anything like mine, it’s littered with complexity even as you strive for simplicity.

I let my elementary school-age boys choose one extra-curricular activity to participate in last fall. The result? I lost 5 out of 7 dinners with my family, and I increased my gas budget by 50 percent. What appeared to be a measured, simple addition to my life wreaked havoc on everyone and added layer upon layer of complexity that took several weeks and hundreds of dollars to unravel.

If you’ve ever led or taught a Bible study group, you’ve experienced a similar predicament. Perhaps the text you were studying was so rich you just didn’t know what to say, so you said it all. Or maybe the topic was connected so well with your group that nearly every facet of it was discussed so that nothing was really discussed at all. Experiences like this can lead a group leader to wonder, “How can I keep what our group studies simple for the sake of my preparation and everyone else’s understanding?” Consider these simple ideas. Keep reading

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