Thursday, April 30, 2015

Not Tweeting? Repent!

Ed Stetzer on why ignoring social media is no longer an option for church leaders.

Ed Stetzer is best known as a church researcher. He's a missiologist, church-planter, and president of LifeWay Research. But in recent years, he's added a new line to his bio: social media maestro. With a well-trafficked blog and large followings on Facebook and Twitter, Stetzer has expanded his ministry through these new platforms. Drew Dyck and Kyle Rohane of Leadership Journal sat down with Stetzer (physically, not virtually) to talk about his experiences with social media, the implications they have for ministry, and why he jokes that pastors who aren't on Twitter need to repent. Keep reading
This article is classified "registered/limited access." You may need to register with Leadership Journal/Christianity Today in order to read it.
Photo credit: Pixabay, public domain 

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