Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Paul in Rome in the Sixties

The book of Acts indicates that Paul was under ‘house arrest’ in Rome, most probably between 60-62. Luke’s text suggests that Paul was then released, something First Timothy and Titus also imply. Second Timothy, written from Rome, however indicates that Paul was soon to face execution. Presumably, this execution was at the decision of Nero Caesar following the Great Fire in 64.

As I suggested in another paper (‘“Paul lived in Rome two whole years”. The Mysterious Ending of Luke-Acts’ ? http//paulbarnett.info) the reason Luke did not write about Paul after Acts 28 (his two-year imprisonment in Rome) was that he knew this information could be gleaned from the letters to Timothy and Titus (whose authorship he may have contributed to ? so C.F.D. Moule).

It is tragically clear why in 64 or 65 Paul was beheaded following the Fire (as a Roman citizen he would not be crucified). But why was he released in c. 62, as he expected to be, based on the general thrust of Philippians and the open ended close of Acts? Keep reading

Also see
‘Paul lived in Rome two whole years’. The Mysterious Ending of Luke-Acts

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