Saturday, May 02, 2015

Teamwork: Two Articles

6 Ways to Build a Better Team

1. Help them see their future.

One of the quickest ways to endear yourself to your team is to ask them questions about their goals and aspirations. This cant be just lip service, you have to actually want to see them develop and be willing to invest yourself in the process as well…even if it means you will have to replace them. In fact, if you’re good, they may even replace you. Put your money where your mouth is and be sure you have the necessary dollars set aside for training and development, but be sure you both have a destination in mind. There are far too many churches and organizations out there that put money aside for development but don’t have a clear plan in place their people. Have a clear development pathways for your staff and key volunteers roles. Without a destination in mind many are on a “Cruise to Nowhere.” Keep reading

7 Ways to Reach Bull-headed Teammates

You’re banging heads with bull-headed teammates. It’s not the facts. It’s personal disposition.
Personal disposition often determines the “right” decision.
It doesn't help to call a bull-headed person bull-headed. Keep reading

Photo credit: Pixabay, public domain

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