Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Involving Large Church Pastors in Multiplication

Uniting small and large churches around the mission of the denomination is important.

One of the common struggles denominations often face is a difficulty relating to the largest, most innovative, and the most “Antiochish” of their churches. These churches and their leaders are often creative and/or proprietary in their approach to, well, everything, but particularly in terms of discipleship and multiplication. They have their own visions, goals and methodologies for seeing them accomplished.

Many large church pastors tend to view the denomination as more-or-less irrelevant to what they are doing. In their eyes, denominations are primarily suited to serve and aggregate smaller churches that do not have the resources or capabilities they do. Larger churches to act far more independently than others, especially when it relates to church planting.

I understand wanting to do your own thing. Churches are very particular about their own brand, and it is not easy to let go of that brand when you start talking about multiplication. However, I also believe that we are better together, no matter the church size. So I would like to offer a few ways that denominations might encourage the involvement of larger church pastors when it comes to multiplication via church planting. Keep reading

Photo credit: Christ Church Plano

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