Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday Roundup: Nine Articles, Two Podcasts, and One Audio

3 Challenges for Every Church Planter

Recently, I’ve spoken with a dozen or so church planters, or those wrestling the call, several each week, and the same issues come up every time. I want to share some thoughts based on my personal experiences planting two churches. These are usually transferable to all church pastorates, but especially planters. Read more

The Big Ask: Another No-Fault Reason Most Churches Will Never Be Mega

Most pastors can't make The Big Ask. Thankfully, it's not needed for a healthy church. Read more

Five Characteristics of Change Leaders in the Church – Rainer on Leadership #159 [Podcast]

On today’s episode, we discuss a blog post from the early days of ThomRainer.com on change leadership. Listen now

Six Ways a Congregation Can Kill a Ministry

Sometimes a culture develops in a congregation that's profoundly unhelpful and unbiblical. I suspect that whatever pattern of church governance a congregation has – whether it's the congregational style where lay people have a lot of say in what happens or the heirarchical style where the minister runs the show – things can go badly wrong. Read more

If the Gospel Isn’t Shaping Your Church, What Is? [Audio]

Mark Dever, J. D. Greear, and John Onwuchekwa on Being Truly Gospel-Centered. Listen now

Don’t Lose Spiritual Disciplines for Fear of Legalism

Don’t let the fear of legalism rob you of the benefits of a regular pattern of walking with God. Read more

7 Qualities of an Easy to Follow Leader

Are you easy to follow as a leader? Here are 7 qualities of an easy to follow leader.... Read more

5 Things to Do in a Boring Sermon

While remaining absolutely committed to preaching, I have to admit I have sat through countless dull sermons, and I have also spoken to many other Christians who find their local preachers frustrating, tedious and soporific. How can you remain committed to your church family, and get round the problem of the boring sermon? Read more

Gathering Together

Here are five important reasons why it is essential that every Christian gather with other Christians in the same local church weekly to hear the preaching of God’s Word from the undershepherds of that congregation. Read more

4 Advantages The Church Has In Reaching A Changing Culture

... as the Church, we stand at a crossroads of opportunity. One way takes us down the same path some of the church has been down for quite some time. That path says, “Look at us and see us. We’ll impress you into believing like us.” That path worked in the past and still works to some degree. However, there’s another path of opportunity. It’s the path that seems to give the Church and those outside of the Church real hope. It’s the path that sheds new light on what really makes Christianity special. There are some real advantages to the Gospel message and those trying to get it out. Read more

How Evangelism and Apologetics Are Changing–Interviews with Ravi Zacharias, Nabeel Qureshi, Alycia Wood and Margaret Manning [Podcast]

How do you share your faith in a world in which people seem to be losing interest in Christianity? Read article and hear podcast

End near for Anglicanism in Quebec

Anglophone migration out of Francophone Canada has decimated the Anglican Church with the number of members of the Diocese of Quebec falling almost in half over the past two years, a document released on the diocesan website reports. Read more

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