Monday, November 30, 2015

10 Ways to Leverage Christmas To Reach More Unchurched People

You’re probably wondering if there’s anything you can do to leverage Christmas better to reach the people in your community who normally don’t attend church. I’m with you.

The conversation is even more important as our culture becomes more and more post-Christian. As the general population thinks less about the Christian faith, Christmas provides a unique opportunity to reach people who no longer ordinarily attend church.

After all, there is now only one time of year left in our culture when people still celebrate something Christians hold dear—and that’s Christmas.
,br/> What surprising is that many churches don’t really leverage Christmas to make the impact it could.

Over the years at Connexus Church, where I serve, Christmas has proven to be not only our best attended service each year, but the service in which the greatest number of unchurched people attend. Although, theologically, Christmas will never be bigger than Easter, practically, our Christmas outreach is always bigger than Easter simply because the culture is paying attention. Read more

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