Monday, October 03, 2016

Six Reasons Congregations Have Become Sticky

Wouldn’t you love it if everyone who connected with your church showed up every week?

Some churches probably could not handle the crowd.

But most church leaders would like to have that problem.

Thanks to the excellent work of Pew Research, we now have some clear reasons why some churches have members who attend much more frequently than other churches. In other words, we have a clearer picture of what a sticky church looks like.

Pew Research began a series of studies of the behavioral patterns of church attenders and non-attenders in 2014 by interviewing more than 35,000 adults. They now have a total of four reports, one of the most massive studies of the church landscape in America ever conducted.

In my first report on this study, we want to answer the question: “What factors cause church members to attend more frequently?” Respondents could only provide one response. Here is a summary of the six major reasons they gave.... Read More

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