Friday, January 06, 2017

Plow Around that Stump

“Plow around that stump, brother.”

I’ll never forget that advice. And, strangely enough, it didn’t come from a farmer. It came from another pastor.

I was just starting out in ministry and I wanted to make a few changes at the church where I was serving. The only problem was that I didn’t know how to bring about those changes. So I did what any wise young pastor would do.

I Googled it.

Just kidding.

I think.

Actually, I called up someone older and more experienced than me. He gave me some good wisdom. When I asked him about changing one of the sacred cows in the church, that’s when he told me to plow around that stump. And make no mistake, most churches have sacred cows. Ask key leaders what those sacred cows are and they’ll say, “We don’t have any.” But try to make the Silver Senior Sunday School Class trade rooms with the Kidz Xtreme class and you’ll find out real quick about those sacred cows.

Any pastor seeking to address any form of change in pretty much any church will have a few sacred cows to deal with. These sacred cows are even more plentiful in rural Bible Belt churches. Leading change in a small, rural church can be a difficult process.

Here are three challenges you are likely to face. Read More

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