Monday, July 10, 2017

Five Sobering Realities about Evangelism in Our Churches

My wife said she did not understand a word I said to her.


I was attempting to explain our research on 1,000 randomly chosen churches, and she had a blank look on her face. I knew what was taking place. A statistical nerd (me) was trying to share research with a normal person (my wife).

Such is the conundrum where I find myself. This research is incredibly revealing, but I often speak in such statistical terms that I cloud its import.

Allow me, then, to attempt to write with some clarity. Let me know if I have not succeeded. Here are some prefatory comments.... Read More
Thom Rainer will be sharing details of his research and much more at You can get a free eBook by Thom Rainer on evangelism renewal when you sign up.

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