Tuesday, October 10, 2017

4 Practices to Regain Your Passion for Ministry

Think of your first opportunity in ministry: You were fired up, enthusiastic and ready to take on the world. We all start ministry that way, or close to it. After all, you said yes to God and yes to a leader who invited you on the team. Even if you were a little nervous or unsure, you were in.

Even with a great start, it’s surprisingly easy for your passion for ministry to fade. It can become commonplace and routine. It’s not unusual for a leader to slide into a comfort zone and not realize it. This often leads to maintaining the status quo and complacency. In time, this skews your perspective, and eventually your heart is no longer on fire to serve.

Long ago we used to say, “Fan the flame of your calling.” Those are old-fashioned words, but the meaning is still substantial. If you don’t tend to the fire, it will go out. That’s just a fact of leadership and ministry life. Just like a campfire will soon go to embers, fade and go out, your passion will dwindle without new fuel and intentional cultivation.

Here are four practices to keep your passion high. Read More

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