Monday, October 09, 2017

Why We Can’t Afford To Be Dismissive Toward Small Churches

The micro half of the body of Christ must be as fully encouraged, resourced and engaged as the macro half.

If ninety percent of churches were big and ten percent were small, it would be reasonable to dismiss small churches as being broken.



But the opposite is the case. Ninety percent of churches are small, while only ten percent are medium-sized, large and mega combined. That makes it harder to be dismissive of the ninety percent. Or the ten.

Yet we do that. Often unintentionally, but we do it.

And it’s not like those percentages are either a localized or recent phenomenon. Historically, 90 percent of churches have always been small. And they still are today, in virtually every region of the world.

Whether the church is strong or weak, in revival or decline, growing or shrinking, the normal state for most congregations at every time in history and in every region of the world is smallness. Read More

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