Thursday, November 16, 2017

Facing Three Common Ministry Fears

At one time or another, God has said to most of his leaders, “Fear not.” God called them, inspired them, gave them vision, filled them with His Spirit, performed untold miracles, and fought untold battles for them. We have good reasons to believe. But, often we don’t. Why? Why does a seasoned pastor fear sharing the gospel with an unbeliever? Why does a grown man fear a hard conversation with his child? Why are we afraid to ask others for help? We are fallen. We are not 100% totally secure in who we are or who He is. Therefore, we give others more say than God would have us to give. It is called fear of man. While fear of man can take on many forms, here are three specific areas of ministry where it rears its ugly head nearly every time and how I am learning to deal with it. Read More

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