
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

ERD Sunday is this coming Sunday—and my hope is that you will consider giving elsewhere

[Stand Firm] 5 Feb 2008--The ERD is often spoken about as a separate entity from the national Episcopal church, although the truth is it is an official organization of the Episcopal church. For this reason, many reasserters and traditionalists in the Episcopal church are willing to give to the ERD in the hopes that it will be kept separate from all the power-politics of the national church. Unfortunately, the ERD -- as well as the United Thank Offering -- is still held over the heads of other Anglican Provinces as receiving money directly from the Episcopal church, rather than, say, individual parishioners who donate to the organization.

I had not realized that until I read this letter from Louie Crew, who was on the Executive Council of the Episcopal church. Here is his complete letter to the bishops of Uganda regarding ERD and UTO funding....

Setting aside the tone of a letter that is redolent with malice and spite, it is clear that Dr. Crew conflates money from the ERD and the UTO with money directly from the national church headquarters or a diocese, despite the fact that the ERD is an independent non-profit relief agency, and despite the fact that Episcopalians believe that they are donating to worthy causes -- and not actually to the national Episcopal church structures or office -- in a manner similar to the way a parishioner donates to a Rector's discretionary fund.

It seems clear that the ERD and UTO are inextricably intertwined in the bullying politics of the national Episcopal church offices -- especially since Louie Crew was a member of the church's Executive Council when he penned this letter. At one time, it was possible, I suppose, to donate to the ERD and UTO and believe that that money was not mixed up in the power-plays or manipulation of 815. But it has probably not been possible since at least 2003, and perhaps earlier.

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