
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Anglicanism and the New Calvinism

[Treading Grain] 26 Aug 2009--Below is an excerpt from an essay written by Michael Milton, President and Professor of Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte N.C. The essay “The Once and Future Calvin” is an interesting read although at times the author’s fawning adoration of Calvin and the New Calvinism might make you a bit quesy, like when your buddy gushes on and on about his new girlfriend. Nevertheless, the excerpt below is an informative few paragraphs on the influence the “new Calvinism” is having on the worldwide Anglican Communion, particularly those influenced by African Anglicanism. Of the notable “Calvinists” listed below you’ll notice Archbishop of Uganda Henry Luke Orombi, who made the trip all the way from Uganda to Geneva to celebrate Calvin’s 500th anniversary. You’ll also notice that the author does the unfashionable thing (unfashionable since the current Anglican theological scene is dominated by Anglo-Catholics), and notes the great extent which Calvin’s theology had on the formation of the Anglican prayerbooks as well as the 39 Articles of Religion.

Dominated by Anglo-Catholics in North America but not outside Canada and the United States. Even then Anglo-Catholic influence in North America may be out of proportion to Anglo-Catholic numbers. It is noteworthy that former Secretary and Vice-President of FIFNA Warren Tanghe in his recent article, "So to the next stage," admitted that the ACNA congregations that displayed the most growth and vitality were Calvinist.


  1. I hope there is something here. This is encouraging, given the desperate need for "re"-education of current leaders in the land. I remain cynical; I hope I am wrong.

  2. And I remain insistent that we need to encourage this from below, and not expect ACNA, which *by design* is a wide and broad safe harbor, to provide Reformed Anglican leadership. What are we doing to encourage the study of the 39 Articles in our parishes? What are we doing to promote the use of the 1662? What are we doing to engender daily scripture reading and prayer?
