
Monday, August 31, 2009

Bishop of Rochester to aid persecuted Christians in Islamic world

[Times Online] 31 Aug 2009--Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, who is about to retire as the Bishop of Rochester, is to set up a charity to work with persecuted Christians in the Islamic world.

Dr Nazir-Ali, who will leave next week a few days after his 60th birthday, says that he has paid a heavy price for standing up for Christian values and has been stung by criticism of some of his controversial statements — but that he has no regrets.

The mission and reputation of the Anglican Church in the Islamic world had been seriously damaged by rows over the ordination of gay priests and bishops and the blessing of same-sex partnerships, he said in an interview with The Times.

“Every time you say something that the Bible teaches or you think is God’s purpose for people, you have to take what comes by way of reaction,” he said. “As I say, it is not easy being a Christian in the world. You have to be prepared for that.”

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