
Monday, August 03, 2009

Chaplains ordained, Northeast District formed as CANA Council concludes

[Anglican Mainstream] 3 Aug 2009--Today, the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) concluded its Annual Council meeting in Virginia with an ordination ceremony for three new chaplains and the formation of a new association of CANA congregations – the Anglican District of the Northeast.

“It’s a true honor to lead this group of CANA churches. Our Annual Council meetings are Gospel-focused events, just as our churches and our members are, and this year’s meeting was no exception,” said CANA Missionary Bishop Martyn Minns.

“It is an exciting time to be in the Anglican Communion as the Anglican Church in North America takes off and CANA continues to grow. CANA now numbers 85 congregations and 179 clergy in 25 states. In the past year, we received 15 congregations, 30 clergy and conducted 17 ordinations,” Minns continued.
“Voting to form CANA’s third regional district and ordaining such highly respected military chaplains was the perfect conclusion to Council. The fact that we have gone from one chaplain two years ago to more than 40 today is a true blessing,” Minns concluded.

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