
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Evangelicals Challenged to Preach Bold, Hard Truths

[The Christian Post] 12 Aug 2009--In a climate where dogmatism is the new heresy, many evangelicals have backed away from bold preaching while "freely imbibing" the spirit of the postmodern age, says one well-known minister.

"It seems that zeal for the essential doctrines of biblical Christianity has become virtually as unacceptable among evangelicals and post-evangelicals as it always has been in the world at large," John MacArthur writes in his newly released book, The Jesus You Can't Ignore.

The evangelical movement used to be known for two nonnegotiable theological convictions – one of them being the absolute accuracy and authority of Scripture, and the other being Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation.

But today, evangelicalism has become an "amorphous monstrosity" where practically every idea is brought to the evangelical table for discussion, MacArthur says.

"As a result, today's evangelicals seem unable to put their finger on anything that makes them truly distinctive," he laments.

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