
Monday, September 21, 2009

Muslims mass-producing children to take over Africa, says Archbishop

[Times Online] 22 Sep 2009--One of the most powerful figures in the Anglican Church believes that Africa is under attack from Islam and that Muslims are “mass-producing” children to take over communities on the continent.

Archbishop Nicholas Okoh, 56, was elected Primate of Nigeria last week and his elevation could exacerbate tensions at a time when Anglicans are working to build bridges with Muslims. Dr Michael Nazir-Ali resigned as Bishop of Rochester earlier this year to work in countries where Islam is the majority religion.

Nigeria is split almost half and half between Christianity and Islam. There are about 17 million practising Anglicans in the country, but they face persecution in the north, while the two faiths vie with local religions for supremacy in the rest of the country.

Archbishop Okoh made his controversial comments about Islam in a sermon in Beckenham, Kent, in July. He said that there was a determined Islamic attack in African countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, they are. And Europe is already capitulating under demographic collapse. As a leader of the PLO told Europe in the 1970's, "we will defeat you with our wombs".

    Meanwhile, in the West, even conservative Christians have no problem with birth control, even though until the onset of modernism and feminism in the early 20th Century, all Protestant denominations were formally opposed to birth control. Not surprisingly, the Anglican Church, at Lambeth 1930, was the first to endorse sexual sin. It's no coincidence that the liberalizing 1928 BCP significantly altered the Solemnization of Matrimony to de-emphasize child-bearing.

    Unless the West recovers its reproductive view of sex, it is doomed.

    The wages of sexual dissipation is dispossession.
