
Friday, October 16, 2009

Can we crack the Bible Study problem?

[] 16 Oct 2009--There is a problem in congregational life that I have spent the last twenty years trying to solve.

It is: “How can we organise things so that husbands and wives with kids can be actively involved in Bible study together?”

It is a real problem because:

• fairly shortly after children arrive husbands and wives are separated in Bible study- the wife may go to one group and her husband another, but never together as someone has to be home to look after the kids, and you just get used to ministering in separate fields

• it is easy for one member of the marriage to just withdraw from Bible study while the other continues. In our minds we think “this is just while the kids are young”, but I have seen that once removed from regular small group meeting, it is very hard to get re-involved later on.

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