
Thursday, October 01, 2009

Let the Little Children Come

[Christianity Today] 1 Oct 2009--In the early 1950s, American social institutions were inundated with the children from the baby boom. Seeing the unique needs of this new generation, schools, governments, and churches responded with ever more age-specific education. The result was the now familiar separation of children, youth, and adult ministries in most churches.

This type of ministry structure was revolutionary at the time, but now many churches are promoting a counter-revolution: a shift from stratified, age-segregated ministry to intentional integration of children in the overall life of the congregation.

These ministries are radical not in their unusual methods or dramatic implementation, but in the foundational ways they are challenging the status quo regarding the purpose, philosophy, and programming of children's ministry. And in the process, they are transforming their worship communities.

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