
Friday, October 30, 2009

Reformation Day and the 457th Anniversary of the 1552 Book of Common Prayer

This Saturday--31st October 2009--is Reformation Day, and this Sunday--1st November 2009--is the Feast of All Saints (also known as the Feast of All Hallows, or Hallowmas) and the 457 th anniversary of the 1552 Book of Common Prayer. To mark these occasions I am posting a series of articles on the Reformation and the 1552 Prayer Book.


  1. Happy Reformation Day Robin! I know that there will be squat on most of the other "so-called" Anglican blogs regarding this. Der Wunder-kid will be changing diapers all day.

  2. There's been plenty at one blogspot, but none at most of the rest. A few blogs, yes. Most no...and I say this after touring them. Nothing much, if anything at all, at the Big Voice of Virtual Syncretism.
