
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What does it mean to be Anglican? I

[Theological Theology] 14 October 2009--To many, perhaps too many, the answer to this question is probably 'Who cares?' In a post-denominational age, Anglican identity might be an interesting historical question but it hardly has relevance for contemporary Christian living. What is more, fearing denominationalism, some would prefer to abandon all talk of Anglicanism. Denominations can become idols, can't they?

Critics insist that, whatever the rhetoric, evangelicals have simply surrendered to the fragmentary and fragmenting spirit of the age. We have become myopic — focussed on our own small circle of friends and acquaintances who form the local congregation. In the end this is just one more expression of the rampant individualism which has unravelled Western society more generally — it's just on a slightly larger scale. There is little sense of belonging to anything larger than, or having responsibilities that extend beyond, those I can see around me each Sunday (or whatever day you meet).

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