
Friday, November 06, 2009

The Influence of Liberalism upon Evangelicalsm - 'the Curate's Egg'

[Churchman] 6 Nov 2009--Introduction
Here is a modern day parable with apologies to Lewis Carroll.
As Alice was walking down the road, she saw, sitting high up on a fence, a strange looking creature rather like an egg.
‘How curious you look,’ she called up to the man. ‘What kind of person are you?’
‘My name,’ said the egg, ‘is Humpty Dumpty. And what, pray, is yours?’
‘Alice,’ said Alice. ‘And why do you sit so high up on that fence?’
‘My task is the protection of the truth of evangelicalism through the preservation of fellowship and peace between the people who live on either side of this fence.’
‘That is very interesting,’ said Alice. ‘Tell me, what exactly do you mean by evangelicalism?’
‘I mean all those from whatever country who agree on the basics of
Christianity, that God is sovereign, humanity fell in Adam, justification is
by grace through faith via the imputation of Christ’s righteousness. Stuff
like that.’ Humpty sniffed and looked up to the sky. ‘Such childish questioning!’ he muttered to himself.
‘Curiouser and curiouser,’ said Alice. ‘I have never heard of these things. Perhaps you would like to explain them to me.’

1 comment:

  1. This subject runs "far deeper" than the article. It is quite hard to know the impact of "liberalism" and "instruction from" them in the current leadership of ACNA.

    We may never know that one.

    Heavy seas.

    Thanks for article.
