
Monday, February 01, 2010

'Unhappy' Queen sends Lord Chamberlain to ask Archbishop Nichols about Pope's Anglican plan

[Telegraph] 1 Feb 2009--"In a surprising departure from protocol, the Queen has sent the Lord Chamberlain, the most senior official of the Royal Household, to see Archbishop Vincent Nichols, leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, to discuss Pope Benedict XVI’s offer to Anglicans wanting to convert to Rome en masse.

My source says Her Majesty – who is expected to meet the Pope when he visits Britain this autumn – was “unhappy” about aspects of the scheme as she understood it. So, late last year, she dispatched Lord Peel with a list of questions for the Archbishop. The nature of the questions has not been revealed, but Archbishop’s House confirms that the meeting took place and was “mutually beneficial”.

The Queen – a somewhat “Low Church” Anglican who feels it is her solemn duty to preserve the Protestant identity of the Church of England – appears to have been alarmed by press reports of Pope Benedict’s Apostolic Constitution, Anglicanorum coetibus. This allows groups of ex-Anglicans anywhere to convert to Rome together, retaining aspects of Anglican worship. Some members of the Church of England have expressed interest in doing so, but are very keen to carry on worshipping in their former Anglican parish churches. Possibly the Queen felt that this process might conflict with her Coronation Oath to maintain all the “rights and privileges” of the bishops, clergy and churches of England."

To read the entire article, click here.


  1. Maybe her Majesty the Queen of England and Supreme Governour of the Church in England here in earth should have taken her duties as the title suggest a bit more seriously. she should have defended orthodoxy against heresy and apostasy. She should not have appointed Williams archbishop of Canterbury. Maybe she should try and have a few heresy trials. Anglo-Catholicism should never have been tolerated. If Low Church and Protestant and Reformed maybe she should behave as such. But let the papist go to Rome, they have no place in Anglicanism, neither do the liberals modern heretics. The Queen should do her duty and drive all such from the Church in England and purify it for the LORD.

  2. Joe:

    You're a former Marine. It shows. You're talking about "leadership," my good man.

    The church "lacks" one of the essential marks of a true church, disciplinary boundaries, confessional standards (it's still on the books but, for all intent and purposes, is not a standard), and the leadership to have disciplinary leadership.

    I'm a Marine by background, tours and ethos. Who can tolerate the "lack of leadership" amongst these so-called Mutant Manglicans?

    BTW, did you see Sutton of the REC? Am howling here at the abyss to which that man will go. You won't find him defending English Reformed theology.

    What is the man in the pew to do? Glad I have enough education and background to see through it, but what about the fellow who goes to work, supports his family and is faithful in service to the Lord, in attendance to the Word and Sacrament? That's the sad part.

    Joe, you and I can feed ourselves, but these ACNA guys? The AMiA church where I go is Arminian and low-lite charismanic. SMH (
    -shaking my head)

    BTW, regards from the Veitchs, all of us, here at Camp Lejeune.
