
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

TEC reaps the whirlwind

"Well it is now official: The Episcopal Church (TEC), a province of Anglican dioceses in the USA (and some neighbouring countries) has declared that it doesn’t care what the vast majority of the Anglican Communion believes to be the teaching of the Bible concerning sexuality. It simply does not care. It is committed to the novelty of sanctifying sexual relations between males, as well as between females, elevating that sexual sin into the ranks of ministers of the gospel, including bishops whose special task it is 'to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrine contrary to God’s Word.'

The Anglican Communion “rejects homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture” (1998 Lambeth Resolution 1.10), a resolution reaffirmed a year ago by the Primates of the Anglican Communion, including the Presiding Bishop of TEC (!), as “the position of the Communion.” This is consistent with the uninterrupted teaching of the church of God for two thousand years, as well as that of the prophets of the Old Testament. Yet TEC does not care, as evidenced by last week’s announcement by the Diocese of Los Angeles that the requisite majority of bishops and standing committees within TEC have given their consent to the election of Canon Mary Glasspool to become a Bishop Suffragan of the Los Angeles.

Of course the writing was on the wall last July when the General Convention (Resolution C007) removed the restrictions of a 2006 resolution (B033) which had called for restraint to be exercised in consecrating practising homosexuals and lesbians. The consent to the election of Canon Glasspool is merely the logical and inevitable outworking of the TEC’s position, which is contrary to Scripture and contrary to the teaching of the Anglican Communion. The 'ambiguous stance' of TEC, as perceived by the Primates in 2007, no longer lacks ambiguity."

To read the full article, click here.

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