
Friday, April 30, 2010

Most Americans Believe Jesus Speaks to Them

"A majority of Americans believe Jesus speaks to them in some form or another, finds a new survey.

Fifty-two percent of Americans said Jesus speaks to them by influencing or connecting directly with their mind, emotions or feelings, according to a survey conducted by The Barna Group. Slightly more than two in five people said Jesus communicates with them through the Bible passage they read or that is read to them.

And more than one-third of the population said Jesus communicates to them through signs; sermons or teachings that address their immediate situation; miraculous circumstances or outcomes; and through words spoken to them by someone else.

Less than one-fifth of the population said God communicates with them through an audible voice or whisper they could hear.

The findings are part of a study, conducted on a random sample of 1,002 U.S. adults, that found two out of three adults (67 percent) claimed to have a “personal relationship” with Jesus that is currently active and that influences their life.

American adults who are likely to say they have a personal relationship with Jesus tend to be female (72 percent), Protestant (82 percent), and those who describe themselves as mostly conservative on social and political matters (79 percent).

Notably, the study found that the younger someone is the less likely the person is to claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus."

To read more, click here.

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