
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Power Brokers Discuss Future of Anglicanism

"Anglicanism is increasingly becoming a misnomer of sorts. Its name derived from a word meaning 'of England', the Anglican Church was so named because it developed from the State Church of England.

A case could be made in view of the fact that the Archbishop of Canterbury, England’s highest ranking clergyman, is still the spiritual leader of worldwide Anglicanism.

But the Anglican Church has undergone a major demographic shift in the last century. The face of Anglicanism is now hardly English. It is for the most part African. And further changes look set to occur.

Thanks to the spiritual leadership of Churches in the southern hemisphere and Asia, the Anglican Communion looks set for more change. The next major milestone for the Communion appears to be the Anglican Covenant, a document leaders hope would clearly articulate the Anglican faith, and a real system of authority.

In this exclusive survey of the views of Anglican Global South archbishops and representatives, The Christian Post learns of their concerns and hopes as they eagerly draw the curtains to their collective future.

The following are full-length transcripts of interviews conducted with most of the archbishops and their representatives gathered at a summit held last week at St. Andrew's Cathedral."

To read more, click here.

Man, I think I'm havin' a bad trip. I think I'm gonna freak...

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