
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New approach goes into Canterbury

"A strategic church plant is about to begin in Canterbury to reach out to a city filled with cultural depth but increasingly ignorant of the gospel.

Fourth-year Moore College student Jonathan Howes and his wife Elise are working to put together a team that will launch the church plant next year – after he completes his studies.

'We’ve had a long-standing interest in mission and cross-cultural ministry, so last year we started talking to people like Archie Poulos and Peter Tasker about the way forward,' Mr Howes says. 'Peter asked us to consider Canterbury. A little research revealed an area of incredible ethnic diversity, largely unreached with the gospel of Jesus. We committed to Canterbury soon afterwards.'

Since then, a fellow fourth-year from Moore, Christian Anderson, has joined them as co-worker."

To read more, click here.

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