
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Gifts of the Spirit

The works of God
The providential works of God can be referred to as ordinary, natural or normal. They occur in ordered and regular ways in what might be thought of as the ordinary pattern of nature, but they are always acts of God.

The miraculous works of God are extra-ordinary, they appear to be contrary to the normal course of nature. They too are acts of God.

It is often impossible for human beings to clearly determine whether an event is an ordinary or an extra-ordinary work of God. Some healings appear to us to be entirely ordinary, some are extraordinary, but sometimes we simply cannot tell.

The gifts of God
If there are ordinary and extra-ordinary works of God then the same can be said of gifts. Some gifts are ordinary. They might be referred to as natural talents and abilities, but they are God given, and can be used in the goodness of God to do remarkable things. Other gifts appear to be extra-ordinary, what might be called super-natural. Such gifts can be spectacular or they can be mundane, but they are contrary to the normal course of things.

Again, it is not always possible for human beings to know whether a gift is a natural talent or a super-natural endowment. Yet, whether ordinary or extra-ordinary they are still gifts of God.

The first mention in the Bible of such a gift is Exodus 35 when the Lord commands Moses to build the tabernacle. Bezalel is chosen to head up the team of craftsmen. The crafts involved seem to be ordinary, yet we are told “the Lord has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts”. In addition, Bezalel, together with Oholiab was given “the ability to teach others”. These are ordinary gifts given in an extraordinary way for a particular purpose. These men had ordinary gifts and extraordinary gifts, but all were gifts.

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