
Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Hard Truth #8: Mega churches no silver bullet

8. Regional or ‘mega’ churches have a place, but they can never be a substitute for multiple local congregations engaging with local communities.

A good friend told me excitedly how his church had 2,500 people through the doors at Easter. And that is exciting. I didn’t ask how many services that included, but there is no doubt that big churches do have a special buzz and it is brilliant to see gospel proclaiming churches grow.

Big churches are reassuring. It is comforting to know that evangelical churches can pull a big crowd too. And it “feels” like God is at work and things are really happening.

For some demographics, big church, big services, big events are especially appealing. Youth are one such group.* And as the father of one “youth” (and 3 more getting there) I am very sympathetic indeed.

Special cases aside, are “mega” churches the way forward for mission in greater Sydney? This may be a brave call, but I think not.

To read more, click here.

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