
Monday, July 12, 2010

Hard Truth # 9: Pewsitters an untapped resource.

#9. Our church members are a wonderful gift from God and the greatest untapped resource we possess.

Brian*, 55, shift-worker, nervously took responsibility for 30 houses as part of a ministry to a tough area in his parish. There were no Christians there, but he began to pray and visit house to house. For the first year, he could get around all 30 houses in less than an hour.

He almost gave up on the whole thing, but stuck at it. Then slowly, doors started opening (literally). It now takes him a week to get round the houses and he jokes he may need a bladder operation as he drinks so many cups of tea. People are sharing, talking, trusting as he listens and shares. He has daily opportunities to talk to people about Jesus. Several have become believers – praise God.

When asked recently how it is going Brian said, “Beats the heck out of handing out hymn books”.

In 20 years of church life, that is all he had ever been asked to do.

To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Cool.

    My first reaction was a Homer Simpson "Doh!"
