
Monday, September 20, 2010

Ordinands must know the formularies!

One of the contentious points in this, it is often argued, is what commitment of belief is required by the Declaration of Assent. Are we declaring thereby that we believe what the formularies teach (the question goes), or are we simply affirming the teaching of the formularies as a witness to the historic (but not necessarily contemporary) faith of the Church of England?

Browsing through the PBS bookstall at the weekend, however, my attention was drawn to Canon C 7, of whose contents I must admit to be culpably unaware, but which seems to have considerable bearing on the issue....

To read more, click here.


  1. How will ordinands know the formularies is the clergy interviewing don't? A very sad state of affairs the church is in.

  2. Joe, still waiting for a full assessment of the literary, academic, and theological backgrounds OF EVERY SINGLE ACNA CLERIC.

    Does doctrine matter?

    Scary. Hosea 6 and 7 for today's reading in the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. The "mix and match" of Ephraimitic religion, "mixing and matching religions." Scary stuff.

    Robin is asking the questions, but am not hearing it in other venues...AT ALL, including my favourite windbag.

  3. Sorry, EVERY SINGLE ACNA BISHOP, not cleric.

    We have Manglicanism.
