
Thursday, September 23, 2010

What's New on Anglicans Ablaze

You will notice a number of changes to Anglicans Ablaze since I switched to a new Blogger template designer. I have adopted a complete new look for Anglicans Ablaze. The fire in the painting in the background is the 1830 fire in the Houses of Parliament in London, England. The new template allows me to add up to ten pages on Anglicans Ablaze. I invite you to read the new About Me page in which I provide my readers with a brief biographical sketch. (Well, it started out as a brief biographical sketch.) I have included with this sketch a number of links and pictures. Just click the tab under the header.


  1. Can you please provide instructions on how we might acquire the alternative/revised Prayer Books that you have edited and/or written.

  2. Ditto to Aaytch. Such would be worth review.

    I find AMiA's alleged committment to the 1662 BCP spurious and without evidence.

    ACNA will NEVER embrace a revised 1662. All talk, no show.

  3. Congratulations on the revised site, Mr. Jordan. It is probably the most informative on the web, at least with regard to matters of interest to Protestant churchmen.
    You are providing an invaluable service for many.

  4. Charles:

    Good to hear you are alive. Yes, Robin is about the last voice for Protestant, Confessional and Reformed Anglicanism on the internet/blogosphere.

    Glad to hear of and from you. Hope u r well.

    From a fellow exile in Captivity.

