
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

If it’s not online, it doesn’t exist

I remember being in a debate, via Twitter, with an atheist. During the debate he mentioned an author I hadn’t heard of. He sent me a link from a website - Let Me Google That For You (click here for an example - Dawkins wasn’t the author in question, but I use him by way of example!).

This website serves a satirical purpose - it’s a place to direct others when they ask you a question that you think they could easily find the answer to online. A custom link sends the user to a page where they watch the search term being typed in for them - and then the link to ‘Google Search’ is clicked. Beneath the search box is the message ‘Was that so hard?’. Ouch!

Be warned if you’re sent a link to this site - someone’s probably making fun of you!

Google has changed the way we view information, and to put it simply, Google has developed a mentality (amongst those who have grown up with Google) that “If it doesn’t exist online, it doesn’t exist.” If you need to find something - search Google. If you can’t find it - revise your keywords. If you still can’t find it - it doesn’t exist.

Now of course, that’s not (always) true, but that’s the way that information is now viewed.

To read more, click here.

1 comment:

  1. The medium is stii the message, apparently.
