
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Sarum Mass Compared with 1549 Prayer Book

Church Society has republished Church Association Tract 113 comparing and contrasting the medieval Sarum Mass with the 1549 Prayer Book.

“Compared with the Missal, the First Book was a highly Protestant production: yet it was, after all, ‘a compromise which satisfied nobody.’”

The 1549 Prayer Book (the First Prayer Book of Edward VI) is well recognised as an important step towards Cranmer’s enduring legacy in the much more reformed book of 1552.

To read J. T. Tomlinson's comparison of the two liturgies, click here.

Interested in learning more about The Book of Common Prayer. Neil and Willoughby's The Tutorial Prayer Book is a great place to start. I also recommend Dyson Hague's The Protestantism of the Prayer Book.

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