
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Five Significant Facts about Church and First–Time Guests

I found this Online Pulpit Article posted on VirtueOnline. It caught my attention and I decided to post it on Anglicans Ablaze. I am also posting a related article from the same web site, The Online Pulpit.

Healthy and growing churches pay close attention not only to their members but also to those who are not yet a part of the flock. New people are the lifeblood of a growing church. We want to ensure that nothing impairs or cuts off the flow of new people to the church.

Pastors need to be aware of five significant facts about first-time guests looking for a church home.

To read the full article, click here.

New Kids on the Block

It is a strange feeling. After years of being a pastor, my husband and I are back in the pew, and a strange pew at that. Let me tell you, it's no fun being the new kids on the block as we show up at a strange church on Sunday morning. It's lonely not seeing friends' faces in the crowd of worshipers, and not being familiar with a church family's unique habits and customs. It is so intimidating, as a matter of fact, that every Sunday we have to make a deliberate decision to attend church, and to keep trying to fit in and find our niche in a new place.

Our search for a new church home has opened our eyes to how important it is for a church to have a deliberate plan to welcome visitors. We pastors know this stuff, of course. I don't think any pastor would argue about the importance of that first ten minutes for a newcomer. The first impressions visitors have of a church and a facility often determine whether they come back again next week.

To read the full article, click here.

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