
Monday, December 06, 2010

Men: the hole in ministry?

A growing number of books are being produced claiming men are not in church. The real statistics however, are not so bleak. But why do we feel there are no men in church?

Stage of life

We all progress through stages of life.

Young excited, committed men begin demanding jobs, get married and have children. Their wives have to juggle family responsibilities while often working part time or full time. It is a very difficult stage of life.

With limited resources, in order to survive many mums and dads of young families rightly focus on the intensive ministry to their families. Out of necessity they have to pull out of congregational ministries. They are still committed to the Lord, still regularly at church, but just don’t have the capacity to do more than be part of the gathering and serve while in the meeting.

To read more, click here.

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