
Monday, December 06, 2010

Ordinariate Watch: Anglican Patrimony

There's been quite a bit written lately about "Anglican patrimony." It's been kicked around by bloggers and internet discussion groups. Sometimes it's just been kicked.

There seems to be consensus that any patrimony would include the liturgy, and not just the Eucharist, but the Offices and everything else that's associated with the Book of Common Prayer. Hymnody has been mentioned, as well as the Psalter and Anglican chant. Things like architecture, our choral tradition, a particular pastoral style - all these things and more come into the mix when there's a discussion of Anglican patrimony.

I'm wondering if these things really aren't our patrimony, but instead are things that simply allow our patrimony to be expressed.

To read more, click here.

This article was posted on the Anglican Patrimony web page in March of this year. It provides further background to the Roman Catholic concept of "Anglican patrimony."

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