
Friday, December 17, 2010

Ordinariate Watch: Australian Anglicans prepare traditional liturgy for Catholic ordinariate

Australian Anglicans who are entering the Catholic Church under the provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus plan to celebrate the Mass in several different cities once a new Anglican-Catholic ordinariate is established in Australia early in 2011.

Archbishop John Hepworth, the head of the Traditional Anglican Communion, disclosed that he and other Anglican officials have been conferring with Catholic Church leaders on the details of establishing the ordinariate, and going over the details of the liturgy to be used.

To read more, click here.

This article and the article to which it is linked make a great deal of the retention of the eastward position, which historically is associated with the Romeward movement and the more "advanced," or extreme, forms of Anglo-Catholicism. See J. C. Ryle's "The Eastward Position," Church Association Tract 136.

It is noteworthy that neither article mentions the requirement of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus that the liturgy used in all the ordinariates erected under its provisions and the provisions of the Complementary Norms must be APPROVED BY THE HOLY SEE. The Vatican, not Archbishop Hepworth, will have the last say.

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