
Friday, February 11, 2011

Church Society's General Secretary David Phillips to Return to Parish Ministry

After 13 years as the General Secretary of Church Society, David Phillips has announced that he has accepted an offer to be the next Vicar of St. James' Chorley in Blackburn Diocese. As yet David does not have a definite moving date but July is at the moment the front runner.

"We are excited about the move and I am looking forward to returning to parish ministry." David said in his announcement. "After nearly 13 years here I think both I and Church Society are ready for a change."

I have enjoyed a fruitful working relationship with David and I hate to see him leave the post of Church Society's General Secretary. At the same time it is my heart-felt prayer that God bless and prosper his new ministry. I ask readers of Anglicans Ablaze to keep David in your prayers as he makes the transition back to parish ministry and to also pray for Church Society in its selection of a successor to David and for whoever succeeds David as Church Society's General Secretary.

1 comment:

  1. David will be a loss. I hope there is no diminution of perspective with his departure.
