
Friday, February 11, 2011

Ordinariate Watch: No uniformity among Anglo-Catholics, says Keith Ackerman

The Pope's offer of a Personal Ordinariate for Anglo-Catholics around the world is now open for business. In January, an Ordinariate was set up in England and Wales. VOL spoke with Bishop Keith Ackerman, VIIIth, Bishop of Quincy (Episcopal Church) (ret), and President of Forward in Faith-North America. He is a member of the College of Bishops in the Province of the Southern Cone and ACNA and Episcopal Vicar of the Diocese of Quincy.

VOL spoke with him about this situation and asked him what the implications are for Anglo-Catholic bishops like himself and what he would do if an Ordinariate were set up in the US and Canada.

To read the entire interview, click here.


  1. So why, what reasons, and what grounds is Keith offering for his how decline of the offer?

    How about Jack in Ft. Worth? Or, Schofield in CA?

    Was Keith precise in his declension of Rome's offer?
